Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014: My Year of Letting Go


In 2014 I've got to learn how to let go!! My 3 goals moving forward are: to become closer to God, be happy, and be comfortable in my skin.  The only way I can accomplish each of those is by letting go of the past and letting go of what's not in my control.  

So here I am on my final 2013 reflection and all it really did was shape me and prepare me for the future.  I can't keep dwelling on the past and neither should any of you, it's not healthy and it gets you nowhere...instead it causes mountains of frustrations, sadness, disappointment, and negativity.  There will be certain chapters in your book of life that will get you down but we won't always be down, God won't allow your entire story to be a struggle and I've been guilty of forgetting that sometimes.  I have to give many many thanks to one of my BFFs for re-introducing God back into my life, and I day "re-introduce" because I've always believed in Him but I never seeked him until she invited me to church with her in late 2012, it was exactly one of the pieces missing from my life.  There's nothing more soothing to my heart than to hear about all the wonderful things He can do.  I try my best to go to church frequently, the words I hear on Sundays never fail me and I'm always amazed at how uplifting it is for me.  It's funny how life works out though because little did I know that Margaret's simple invitation to church would help me mentally to prep for my mother's news that we received a couple months later. It's still really difficult for me to deal with what my mom is going through but I can honestly say it would've probably been 10 times worse had I not made the decision in advance to prep my heart, mind, and soul to know God. I don't know how I would've dealt with this and everything that snowballed along with it.  

So instead what I'll be doing is LOVING MYSELF MORE!!  We get so caught up in life that we forget about the most important're the only one with your voice, your mind, your story and your vision!  I'm moving forward with a happy spirit each day because I know things will work out for me.  I'm going to focus on myself a lot more this year which will lead me to being more comfortable in my skin-- mentally and physically. I look forward to taking more time to volunteer to causes that are important to me because in my eyes the real meaning of success is when you're able to help others...even through your own storm. As I stated in my last post, I thought I had it all figured out even my career but that's also changed now.  I really like working in Human Resource but I hope to find a job I LOVE in 2014.  I want to love my job, not just like it.  It has to mean more than just a paycheck and I'd love to be working to help others because that's what makes me happy. We all know money can't buy happiness right, so why not pursue what makes you happy?!  I challenge you to wake up each morning with a happy spirit and see what changes occur. If you want change in your life start with yourself and everything else will fall into place. 

StateOfBeauty Wants To Know:
What are you willing to work on about yourself in 2014?
What are you looking forward to most?
How will you make yourself happy?
(if you don't see "comments" below just click on the title of this post and then you should be able to see the "comment" section at the end)

I look forward to what you guys have to say!!

~Learn to see the beauty in imperfection~

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