- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I love that saying! Why do so many females compete with one another? It seems like many females don't like to
see other females succeed, but why? I'm not saying all females are that way but a vast majority from what I see each day are. I, on the other hand, love seeing my friends succeed
and any women for that matter, we should all help one another. By competing
with other females you only show your immaturity, ignorance, and insecurity. Imagine how much happier some of you would be
if you just helped one another instead of shutting each other down. I think society plays a role but we can change that, we don’t have to conform to the way majority of society functions/thinks.
Reality TV and Social Media
So there’s no more "Martin", "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", "Wayan’s
Brothers", and our good ol’fave sitcoms.
Now our channels are consumed on a daily basis with reality TV that thrives
off dysfunctional and drama filled shows with a large portion of them centered
around females fighting females in some form. Not all reality tv is bad though, I like
"American Idol", "The Voice", "So You Think You Can Dance", "Biggest Loser", etc but
the ones I speak of are shows like: "The Bachelor", "Flavor of Love", "For the Love
of Ray J"…women competing for a man. Shows like: "Basketball Wives", "Bad Girls
Club", "Love and Hip Hop" where woman are constantly at each other’s throat trying to be the bigger and badder "bitch". Even "Jersey Shore" and "Teen Mom" don't have great messages about females and the thought of putting out a show
as ridiculous as "All My Babies Mamas"- Shawty Lo and all his baby
mamas, like really…WOW! We all have our guilty pleasures
(Real Housewives of ATL for me) and nothing wrong with watching them but do we
recognize how these shows affect the way women are viewed by society? And some females don't know any better and think the "right" way to act and carry yourself are like these females on TV! In an
article I read it stated “reality television is doing little more than 'empowering'
young girls to be overly negative” and I believe it. The younger generation is much more different
than we were growing up! And now with social media, many of us spend a lot of time on FB, IG, YouTube, etc where we can still see females are against each other…the YouTube videos, like Sharkeisha! Really?! And that's the type of stuff that becomes the most viewed videos, headlines, glorified and people think it's funny so they keep the video going and some even start imitating it just so they can get a little bit of fame or thousands of views, but it's wrong...smh. That’s why I choose to post what inspires me, what I love to do, who
I love, etc because I’m proud of those things and I hope other women would
gravitate more towards a positive approach to life. I don’t post items on my sites for attention,
sympathy, or for myself. I post a lot of encouragement because I need it and
others might too. The same why I get
inspired and encouraged by reading other people’s sites, there’s a possibility
my followers might be able to do the same on my sites. You never know who is following you and looking up to you, and if I can be that little light at the end of the tunnel that's what I'll continue doing. Yes I've change my ways, I'm a woman now and there's personal growth in me every day. I just want to pour that out to others too!
The whole point I wanted to make was that women are still
not being viewed or treated equally as men are in today’s society, yet some of
you still want to work against each other instead of empowering each other?!? I challenge you to re-evaluate how you treat
others and strive to be a better person for yourself and for others, it will
take you far in life…I’ve seen it happen! If some of us would stop putting each
other down we'd be able to help one another
through our struggles, because we all have them. People always tend to be there for your highs, but at your lows sometimes it can get lonely. Why not help a friend with
encouragement if she is struggling with her weight...offer your tips/advice if you've been successful at it. Why not help out a friend
who is making bad choices with men instead of gossiping about them and judging them...if you've been successful at overcoming this offer your methods to success. Why not
offer your resources or connects to someone in search of new opportunities...why can't you share your story to success. Is it because we
don’t want the other female to become better than us or live a better life than
us, become more successful than us?? I think that is the case. So I actually do offer resources,
motivation, and anything I can help with...I’d be a selfish person not to help
others succeed if I can. Why not use my experience to help push them along to fulfill their goals...and that's how I hope some women begin to think. I've been that girl that didn't have a strong support system behind me but I pushed through life the best I could by being my own biggest supporters...maybe that's why I don't want others to go through that and actually have people there for them.
Does anyone else think this is still a “man’s world”? yet another reason for women to support one another! I enjoyed listening to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's video on gender- “We Should All Be Feminists”
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